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Demo5 b33e binaries

  • Version
  • Download 2386
  • File Size 18.56 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date November 28, 2020
  • Last Updated January 5, 2021

2 thoughts on “Demo5 b33e binaries”

  1. Hi Daniel. The binaries in these releases are all built with the Embarcadero C++ Builder using the *.cbproj project files from my Github repository. It looks like I need to do a little cleanup in the 64 bit project files but the changes you point out will not affect most users. ENAIRN enables use of the IRNSS sats, NFREQ=4 enables L1/L2/L5L6 solutions, and NEXOBS adds space for multiple observation codes from a single constellation. I would be interested in your process scripts and data, both to duplicate the discrepancies you are seeing as well as a potential tool for future quality control. Anything you are willing to share, you can send to me at

  2. Hi
    I recently discovered that the rnx2rtkp_win64.exe provided at (b33e) do not generate the same calculated solution as if you compile a gcc linux binary from the latest source code. At

    (I also tried to run the utest code in linux but it did not catch any error.)

    So I then compared the result from rtkpost_win64.exe with rnx2rtkp_win64.exe I did a comparison just looking in rtkplot at the results and the solutions seems to match exactly.

    So then I compiled a rnx2rtkp windows binary with latest visual studio and that solution result do not match any of the above. (used the same *.conf file and start.bat file as for the rnx2rtkp_win64.exe test so I know it get exactly the same input.)

    I then compared the compiler extra options for different apps and compilers in RTKLIB/app/ and there seems to be some inconsistencies.

    My best guess is that the win64 provided binaries are compiled with the settings from:
    RTKLIB/app/rtkpost_win64/ tkpost_win64.cbproj and

    But what I can see the options do not match. One file define ENAIRN NFREQ=4;NEXOBS=3 amongs others, and the other file defined just NFREQ=3 of those three. I do not have the development tool for *.cbproj so I am not certain in what parameters actually used during compilation.
    (And the gcc make file differs to.)

    So my Question is what are the compiler extra option that should be set and are the binaries in b33e release compiled with the public *. cbproj files at or do you have some local changes to them.

    My goal is to get the gcc compiled rnx2rtkp to exactly provide the same solution results as rtkpost_win64.exe and rnx2rtkp_win64.exe since I use those to test new settings and the gcc compiled version to calculate large data sets on my server.

    As background, this is a hobby project and i am now at the stage to calculate the position of my RTK base station. I do this by calculating a weekly static-PPP analysis of my base station and the two nearest EUREF referents stations approximately 70 km away. And compare the results with the published weekly EUREF combined EPN solutions.

    If you are interested, I am open to share the weekly analysis scripts (as is) I developed that fully automate the process with downloading final orbits, combining nav files, converting obs data, decimating obs data and calculating and comparing data sets.

    Best Regard

    Daniel B

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