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- File Count 1
- Create Date July 10, 2017
- Last Updated July 10, 2017
U-blox M8T road data with Galileo
Another data set from a pair of u-blox M8T receivers with the rover mounted on a car. This time, the Galileo satellites are included and the rover antenna was upgraded to a Tallysman 1421. With the extra satellites and the better antenna, RTKLIB was able to get a near 100% fix using continuous ambiguity resolution. In an earlier similar data set without the better antenna or extra satellites, "Fix-and-Hold" was required to get the same level of fix. The first part of the data was taken in the parking lot in the upper right corner of the image below and represents a fairly unobstructed sky-view. The second half of the data set is taken while driving on residential streets with a moderate amount of tree canopy and represents a more difficult challenge for the solution.
This data is described in more detail in this post