
I am using this website along with my blog to document my work with RTKLIB and low-cost precision GNSS solutions in the hope it may prove useful to others trying to get started or to learn more about this rapidly evolving field.

There is a mix of information here, some of which is intended for those just getting started with RTKLIB and other posts that might be of interest for more advanced users.  For those just getting started, I suggest clicking on “Getting Started” listed in the "How To" menu  This will bring up all the posts I have geared towards a new user.  More in-depth information can be found in my blog.

I would be very interested in hearing about other similar work, so please leave a comment or send me an email at rtklibexplorer@gmail.com if you are working in this area or if you have anything to add to any of the posts.  My goal is also to document as completely as possible the work I have done, so if there is something I have skipped over that would be of interest to others, please let me know, and I will try to add a post.

All of the code changes and configuration files described in my posts are available in my Github repository.  The most recent executables are  available here and most of the data sets I reference in the blog are here.


You can find more information about me at my linkedin page.