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- File Size 2.65 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date July 10, 2017
- Last Updated July 10, 2017
Tersus BX306 dual frequency road data
This data set was taken simultaneously with the previous u-blox M8T data set using a Tersus BX306 receiver with Tallysman 3872 antenna on the rover and a CORS reference station 17 km away for base data. Included are both the Tersus real-time solution and the post-processed RTKLIB solution along with base station data from a closer CORS station. Both the Tersus real-time solution and the RTKLIB post-processed solutions were able to get 100% fix in the earlier part of the data taken in a parking lot with open sky views but both solutions had difficulty with the residential streets with moderate tree coverage.
This data is described in more detail in this post