Adding a radio link
In the last post I described setting up RTKNAVI in a simple configuration with both receivers connected directly to a laptop. While this is a good way to become familiar with RTKNAVI, it is not… Adding a radio link
In the last post I described setting up RTKNAVI in a simple configuration with both receivers connected directly to a laptop. While this is a good way to become familiar with RTKNAVI, it is not… Adding a radio link
Note: There is a more up to date version of this tutorial on my blog. One of the nice things about RTKLIB is that it is extremely configurable and has a whole slew of… RTKLIB: Customizing the input configuration file
This tutorial assumes you have both base and rover receiver connected directly to your laptop, and that you have an appropriate command (xxx.cmd) and config files for your receiver (xxx.conf). If you are not… Getting started with RTKNAVI
At this point, we have verified that the GPS hardware and the link to the PC are working properly, and are ready to start using RTKLIB to collect and process the raw GPS data. Start… Getting started with RTKLIB
At this point, the GPS receivers are connected to your PC through the USB port and are ready to configure and verify that all is working OK.Ublox provides a nice evaluation software package for Windows… Configuring and testing the GPS receiver
For practical use, most likely you will want to eventually connect the GPS receivers to battery powered low cost single board computers, such as a Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone, to make them portable and stand-alone.… Connecting the GPS receiver to a PC
[Update 6/7/17: The newest version of the M8N is no longer usable with RTKLIB. See this post for details] The first thing you will need to begin your journey into low-cost precision GPS is a receiver… Selecting a GPS receiver
The easiest way to collect GPS data from the u-blox receivers is simply to plug the receiver into a laptop PC through an FTDI serial to USB converter and run STRSVR or RTKNAVI as I’ve… Pi Zero Based GPS data logger