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Another Raspberry Pi RTKLIB project

After describing my simple Pi based data logger in my last post, I stumbled across this Raspberry Pi based GPS project on  It uses an M8T receiver and includes a touchscreen GUI to manage RTKLIB.  It has downloadable files for 3D printing the case as well as an image file with all the code for the SD card (something I should probably provide with mine).

I haven’t looked at in great detail but it seems very intriguing and could be a good alternative to what I described in my last post if you are looking for something with greater capability.

Here’s a photo of the completed project.


2 thoughts on “Another Raspberry Pi RTKLIB project”

  1. Hi there, I am trying to replicate this raw data logger project for part of a sonar survey I am conducting. The only difference between the project above and mine is that I am connecting my m8t antenna via the USB port on the Pi Zero instead of the UART pins. When I try using the str2str command with the following line, I do not get any response from the application:
    (note that I am using a different brate =150,000 and a different .cmd file)

    str2str -in serial://ttyUSB0:150000#ubx -out rover.ubx -c /home/pi/gps/m8t_5hz.cmd

    Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!


    1. Hi Josh. I haven’t tried the USB port on a wireless Pi so can’t help you directly. I would start by verifying that you can see the USB port stream with a terminal app to make sure the Pi hardware is configured properly.

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